Beautiful Boyz

艺术家:CocoRosie    查看原文

Am       E7
Born illegitimately
Am              E7
To a whore most likely
C            G
He became an orphan
Am               E7
Oh what a lovely orphan

       Am            E7
He was sent to the reformatory
Am                E7 
Ten years old was his first glory
C                   G
Got caught stealing from a nun
Am                 E7
Now his love story had begun

Am C , Am C

F               E7
Thirty years he spent wandering
  G                  Am
A devil's child with dove wings
F          C
He went to prison
   E7                   E
In every country he set foot in

Am               E7
Oh how he loved, he loved prison
    Am                E7   Am   E7  
How awfully lovely was prison

Am E7 

Am C , Am C

F                   C
All those Beautiful Boyz
G                Am             ( G )
Pimps & queens & criminal queers
F                   C
All those Beautiful Boyz 
E7                 Am
Tattoos of ships & tattoos of tears

    Am               E7
His greatest love was executed
    Am               E7
The pure romance was undisputed
  Am               E7
Angelic hoodlums & holy ones
  Am               E7      Am C , Am C    
Angelic hoodlums & holy ones

F                   C
All those Beautiful Boyz
G                Am               ( G )
Pimps & queens & criminal queers
F                   C
All those Beautiful Boyz 
E7                 Am
Tattoos of ships & tattoos of tears  (X2)

Am                  G     Em        Am
All those Beautiful Boyz, Beautiful Boyz 
Am                  G     E7        Am
All those Beautiful Boyz, Beautiful Boyz

Chord interpretation by ettawhy, enjoy!

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