
艺术家:Justin Nozuka    查看原文

I really wanted to learn how to play this song after revisiting the album and becoming obsessed. 
The other tab by stek388 seems pretty good and really lays out the picking pattern, but I had a hard 
time following and remembering all the melodic changes and lyrics, so I came up with this using the
chords. Some chords may differ but it still sounds pretty good to me. Enjoy.

Dm* --; b677bb (b = bar chord on the 5th fret)

C (strum)
Dm* Am G C (play each note twice)

Dm* Am G C 
Twenty miles to fast
Acceleration on the gas,
While she wakes up into the glass, 
And reaches out for her baby
Oh, oh, ohh
She reaches out for her baby.

C Am G (play  C and Am once, G 2x)

The sun wakes up the birds are singing, 
She wakes up to the day
The sky's so clear, 
New life appears and all she sees is the rain.
Everyday is the same.

Cigarettes all stamped on the desk, 
And empty bottles on the ground 
A baby picture on the fridge of Katie reaching for a hug.
All she knew about was love.

Dm Am G C (play each note 2x)

2001 to 2005 always remembered by her beautiful smile
Katie, tattooed on her arm
Now mama's gotta live on.

Dm* Am G C (play each note 1x) repeat

C Am G (play  C and Am once, G 2x)

Memories of the walks down to the parks and drawing flowers on the pavement,
And sharing double scooped ice cream.
Her favorite flavor was straw-berry, yeah, yeahh.
An empty swing,
An empty yard, 
An empty play-house
Her only joy is now gone
And now shes left all alone.

Dm Am G C (play each note 2x)

2001 to 2005 always remembered by her beautiful smile,
Katie, tattooed on her arm,
Now mama's gotta live on.

Dm* Am G C (play each note 1x) repeat

Dm Am G C (play each note 2x)

Flashbacks to the past and 30 miles to fast
Acceleration on the gas while she 
She wakes up to the glass 
A shattered mirror of the past.

C Am G (play  C and Am once, G 2x)

She reaches for her baby,
Reaches out for her baby.

This time Katie takes her hand,
She takes her hand 
This time in heaven,
In heaven.

Dm Am G C (play each note 2x)

1976 to 2005 
Always remembered by her beautiful smile.
Sarah, tattooed on her arm,
Now mama's gotta live on.
Lullaby, oh, oh.

Dm* Am G C (play each note 1x) repeat

Dm Am G C (play each note 2x)

2001 to 2005 
Always remembered by her beautiful smile,
Katie, tattooed on her arm
Grandmama's gotta live on.

Dm* Am G C (play each note 1x) repeat

Dm Am G C (play each note 2x)

1976 to 2005 
Always remembered by her beautiful smile,
Sarah, tattooed on her arm,
Now mama's gotta live on.
