Opposite Way

艺术家:Leeland    查看原文

B     F#    G#m
G#m   E     F#
B     F#    G#m
E     F#    B

[Verse 1]
               B       F#  G#m
Living in the same town        For all these years
          G#m  E   F#
Doing the same old things
                  B      F#  G#m
Hanging with the same crowd
                           E  F#  B
And it’s starting to get crippl - ing
              B   F#  G#m
You’ve never felt in place
                           G#m  E   F#
And you tell yourself it’s all  o - kay
                 B   F#     G#m
But something’s different today
                    E   F#   B
You want to run the opposite way

[Chorus 1]
                          B     F#   G#m
And it seems like you’re locked in a cage
                       G#m   E    F#
And you need to find a way   of escape
                 B   F#      G#m
When everyone is setting the pace
                     E   F#    B
It’s okay to run the opposite way

[Verse 2]
                     B      F#  G#m
The Father sent His Son down        The light of men
                      G#m  E   F#
The cross He bore was crippl - ing
                B       F#  G#m
Rejected in His own town
                      E   F#  B
They couldn’t see the sun shining
                 B     F#   G#m
He knelt in the garden and prayed
                     G#m   E   F#
Father, let this cup pass from me
                   B   F#     G#m
It’s not Your will for me to stay
                        E   F#   B
Your will for me is the opposite way

[Chorus 2]
                           B     F#   G#m
And it seemed like He was locked in a cage
                       G#m   E    F#
And He couldn’t find a way   of escape
                         B   F#        G#m
But through the cross He conquered the grave
                 E   F#    B
My Jesus ran the opposite way

B     F#    G#m
G#m   E     F#
B     F#    G#m
E     F#    B

                             B   F#        G#m
Oh, and through the cross He conquered the grave
               G#m    E    F#
Oh, He ran the oppo - site way
                           B   F#        G#m
Yeah, through the cross He conquered the grave
                     E   F#    B
So you could run the opposite way
