E B/D# C#min A2
Glory to God
Glory to God
C#min A2
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God
Glory to God
C#min A2
Glory to God in the highest
F#min7 E/G# A2 B/D#
and on earth peace to people of good will
C#min B/D# A2
we praise you, we bless you, we adore you
B/D# C#min
we glorify you
B/D# A
we give you thanks for your great glory
E B/D#
Lord God heavenly King
F#min E/G# A2
O God almighty Father
E B/D# F#min E/G# A
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son
E B/D#
Lord God, Lamb of God
F#min7 E/G# A2
Son of the Father
C#min B/D# A2
you takeaway the sins of the world
have mercy on us
C#min B/D# A2
you takeaway the sins of the world
receive our prayer
E B/D# C#min A2
You are seated at the right hand of the Father
F#min7 E/G# A2
have mer--cy on us
E B/D#
for You alone are the Holy One
C#min A2
You alone are the Lord
E B/D#
You alone are the Most High
F#min E/G# A2
Je----sus Christ
F#min E/G# A
with the Ho--ly Spirit
F#min7 E/G# A2
in the glory of God the Father
B/D# C#min E/G# A