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Kingdom: easy guitar chords

Intro:    C#m  G#m  B    F#   (2x)  Instrumental

Part I:   G#m  C#m  G#m  F#   (4x)  Instrumental

Verse 1: 
Our domain, this kingdom come,
now godless lands whose ways are lost
Without the strength to carry on.
All values lost, all virtue none.

Part II:
         G#m                  C#m                   G#m   F#
Did you think that you'd be saved 
            G#m               C#m                  G#m   F#
by burning flags to cleanse yourselves of shame? 
             G#m             C#m          G#m                F#  
Or are you afraid, are you afraid as you stare back at your face?
            G#m             C#m          G#m               F#
Or are you ashamed, are you afraid, by destroying what the gods once gave?

G#m        C#m         G#m                  F#
-------------  Do you think that you'll be saved?
G#m        C#m                  G#m         F#
-- Do you think that you'll be saved? ----------

         B                  F#
And I believe that we'll conceive
            C#m          G#m
to make in hell for us a heaven.
             B                 F#       
A brave new world, a promised land.
        C#m                G#m
A fortitude of hearts and minds.
         E                  B
Until I see this kingdom's mine
               F#            C#m
I'll turn the darkness into light.
                E                 B
I'll guide the blind. My will be done 
            F#           C#m             G#m
until the day I say our kingdom has been won.

Verse 2:
  No more the servants of the weak
devoid of thought or light to seek.
I'll leave no walls, no stone unturned.
Every tower must be razed ...

Part III:
              G#m                C#m      G#m          
  ... to the dust from which it came.
              C#m                C#m      G#m             F#   
None will be spared, no remnant saved.
              G#m             C#m          G#m                 F#
And are you ashamed, are you afraid of the gods and idols that you have made?
G#m                        C#m          G#m                 F#
   Do you think you'll be saved by the gods and idols that you have made?

G#m              C#m   G#m              F# 
 ----------------------   None will be saved.
G#m              C#m   G#m              F# 
   None will be saved.    None will be saved. 


Part IV ( = 2x Intro chords):

  C#m        G#m         B                    F#
  C#m        G#m         B                    F#
  ----------------------------------- Do you think that you'll be 
  C#m        G#m         B                    F#
 saved?          Do you think that you'll be saved?
  C#m        G#m               B                   F#
  ------------ None will, none will, none will be saved.

(Part I)


(Part I) as Outro
