Dear Marie

艺术家:John Mayer    查看原文

No Capo

A = (5-x-7-6-5-x)
Asus = (5-x-7-7-5-x)
D = (x-9-7-7-10-x)
F#m = (2-x-4-2-2-x)
E = (12-x-x-13-12-x)
D(alt) = (10-x-x-11-10-x)

*John uses his thumb to play the lower E note on the chords which use it*

       A      Asus  D                              A    Asus     A   Asus
Dear Marie,       tell me what it is I used to be x2
                E                                    D(alt)                A    Asus
And if you're further up the road, can you show me what I still can't see?

(Play the same progression for the following 2 verses, except when John says the following, play:

               E                           D(alt)                     A    Asus
Yeah I've got my dream, but you've got a family x2
               F#m                          D                                A    Asus
Yeah I've got my dream, but I guess it got away from me

**Then the breakdown (w/ harmonica), John continually plays the following progression:

A, Asus (for 4 counts of 4, building up)

**(once the drums start)

A, D, A, (F#m, D, A x3)

Here is the (only) current recording/video of John playing this song. Enjoy. It's a great song.
