Blowing In The Wind

艺术家:Emmerson Nogueira    查看原文

原调 D
D       G            D                            G           A4   A
How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man? 
      D        G           D
Yes n how many seas must a white dove sail 
           G             A4   A  
Before she sleeps in the sand    
       D        G              D
Yes n how many times must the cannon
                         G       A4       A
Balls fly before they're forever banned

G          A        D       F#     Bm       
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind 
G             A              D
The answer is blowing in the wind

D        G            D                         G       A4
How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky
A     D          G         D          
Yes n how many ears must one man have 
                G         A4  
Before he can hear people cry 
      D        G              D
Yes n how many deaths will it take till he knows
              G           A4     A
That too many people have died


D        G          D               
How many years can a mountain exist 
          G                A4   
Before it is washed to the sea
A     D        G              D
Yes n how many years can some people exist 
               G             A4  A 
Before they're allowed to be free? 
      D         G          D
Yes n how many times can a man turn his head 
              G          A4     A
Pretending he just didn't see?
