
艺术家:Behemoth    查看原文

原调 E
Tabber:   Slashdotcom//

Down Tune 1Flat in the C Octave
Two gits   

Riff 1 Git 1 

Riff 1 Git 2 

Riff 2 Both Gits 
   .....                             .....

Riff 3 Both Gits 
   .....    ...            ...
   .....    ...         ...

Riff 1 Git 1 

Riff 1 Git 2 

Riff 3 Both Gits 
   .....    ...            ...
   .....    ...         ...

Riff 4 Git1 
        ..       ..          ..          ..

Riff 4 Git2 
        ..          ..          ..          ..

Chords Git1

Riff 4 Git2 Under the Chords
        ..       ..          ..          ..

Riff 4 Git1 Play this once by itself then the 2nd Git joins in
        ..       ..          ..          ..

Riff 4 Git2 
        ..          ..          ..          ..

Riff 2 Both Gits 
   .....                             .....

Riff 3 Both Gits 
   .....    ...            ...
   .....    ...         ...

Riff 4 Git1 Play this once by itself then the 2nd Git joins in
        ..       ..          ..          ..

Riff 4 Git2 
        ..          ..          ..          ..



|-/20---19h20p19~----17--19--17--16--17--13--16~-|at the end just slide
|------------------------------------------------|16/12 with some bend,
|------------------------------------------------|just make it sound good

Under the solo
        ..       ..          ..          ..

Riff 3 Both Gits 
   .....    ...            ...
   .....    ...         ...

What a beautiful piece of Polish Black Metal
Give it 5*
Check out my other tabs their all as acurate as this.
