Angel Of Disease

艺术家:Morbid Angel    查看原文

原调 E
From the Album Covenant
                     Version 1.0 - Februaru 2001

Transcribed by: Bobby Rafuse

For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact
Bobby Rafuse: at *

Check Out Death Warp, With More Transcriptions On It:

..  - palm mute          /  - slide up to
 \  - slide down to      ~  - vibrato
 h  - hammer on          b  - bend
 p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
                          ph - pinch harmonic
                           f - full bend    h - half bend
*  - see comment           r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute       ~ - vibrato bend
@  - slight palm mute     () - ghost note, sustained note

Tune Gtr to Eb

*note* I didn't put the timing on this song or what riffs are played where
       so you'll have to figure it out cause this song is too long to sit
       there and figure out how many time to play what. Have fun.

Riff 1
pm..   ..      ..

Riff 2
pm   . . . .    . .              . . . .    . .

Riff 3 (Chorus)

Fill (Haven't figured this part out yet. Any help would be nice)

Riff 4
pm                     . . .

Riff 5
|-------------------------------------------------(haven't got the part after this)--|
pm       . . . .         . . . .         . . . .

Riff 6 (before one of the many solos)

Riff 7
pm  ...   ...   ...         ...   ...   ... . ....

end of song.

Check Out Death Warp, With More Transcriptions On It:
