Edge of Thorns

艺术家:Savatage    查看原文

原调 F
transcribed by:                                          written by:
Brian Pastor                                     J. Oliva, C. Oliva, P.O'neil
*                                        from the album:
                                                         Edge of Thorns

                          Edge of Thorns

Attention guitar players:
Tune your low  E string to D for this song. The chords for the verses
apply only to the piano player. You would just play a rhythm in Dm.

                       Piano intro:
The second D in this scale is an ocative higher than the first D.

  D  (D)  D  A  D  G  D  F  D  E  D  F  D  F  E  C  D

       The band kicks in once and awhile with a Dm

 Dm                   Am/Dm       Dm                             Am/Dm
      An offering of reasons.          We  put  them  all   in    play.

 Dm                  Am/Dm                 Dm                    Am/Dm
      A covering of treasons.         That one by one we let slip away.


    Gm               Dm              Gm                    Dm
        A solitary dancer.               So lost upon her stage.


    Bb         C                       Dm     C    Bb
    I  have   seen  you  on  the       Edge   of   Dawn

              C                        Dm   C      Bb
    Felt you here before               you  were   born

                    C                   Dm     C    Bb
    Balanced your dreams upon the       Edge   of   Thorns

            But I don't think about you any-more.

                   (Verse 2)

A study made from winter. Of summers long ago.
And dreams that use to glitter safely now hidden under snow.

                    (Bridge 2)
And so we end the chapter. And let the stage lights fade.

                        (Repeat chorus)

 Guitar riff:   D  A  G  F  E  E  F  E D  (8x)

 This is the pattern behind the first solo:   C   Am  C  Dm   (4x)

 Then it goes back to Dm for the bass riff. When the drums kick in the notes
 notes are:

  D   E   F   E   (if you want to play chords instead use  Dm  Em  F  Em )

             Coming out of the solo the guitar and bass play:

  A  G  F  E  (3x)   The fourth pattern is:    A  G  F  E  A   (Then Dm)

  Repeat the chorus and then go back into the  Dm   Am/Dm   pattern  used
  for the verses. Zach sings over this pattern:

        "I don't think about you...I don't think about you" etc...


         Repeat piano intro and end the song in Dm
