The Bricklayers Beautiful

艺术家:Will Ackerman    查看原文

原调 G

变调夹:夹 5 品

From: * (JayA466068)

"The Bricklayer's Beautiful Daughter",  by William Ackerman

Transcription by Jay Armstrong

Tuning (low to high) :  Eb  Ab  Db  Gb  B  E,   then capo on 5th fret

I'm not sure what the convention is for tabbing with a capo,
but I am treating the capo as if it were the nut, so the fret
numbers are relative.  Is that how it's usually done?  I'm pretty sure
I've seen it both ways, but this way seems more natural to me.

Let me know what you think  :-)


|-(1st time only)-|



Then repeat everything once, then :




|----0---------0-3--|--0^2---^0---------------0---*-||   (  repeat only
|--2---2-----0------|--0------------2^0^2---------*-||    on second time )

Then play some of the parts again ....  you know how the song goes ;)
